An honest look at today's latest blockbusters, DVD rentals, and TV shows from two ordinary Janes

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Red Eye

"Hmm... Maybe Batman Begins is on this flight too."

Yesterday, I watched Red Eye, directed by Wes Craven, at the Pearlridge West theaters. Overall, it's a very exciting movie. Not too gory, which I like, and the actors were very convincing. In addition, it steers away from conventional horror stereotypes: the slutty teen girl, the creepy child, the large masked slasher, etc.. Instead, it features a strong-willed hostage and a handsome slasher (a creepy, but call me weird, great-looking Cillian Murphy), and features a smart 11-year-old girl who offers some help to our heroine while on the plane, among the group of dumbfounded adults who have no idea what's going on. This is a nice change from the always-screaming Dakota Fanning, who I think is a good actress, but screams way too much in her movies. It's nice to see an actual, smart girl in the movies.

In the end, I enjoyed the movie. A lot of excitement to keep me watching, and not a lot of gore so that I WANTED to keep my eyes on the screen. Also, the movie was just the right length, 1.5 hours. I give it four out of five stars!


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