An honest look at today's latest blockbusters, DVD rentals, and TV shows from two ordinary Janes

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Alexander: Director's Cut

"So, an elephant and a horse enter a forest ... oh wait, you've heard this before."

Okay, so I'm reviewing bomb, ...but a "director's cut" bomb. I didn't see the original movie either, but I'll review it anyway. Alexander: Director's Cut is the revamp of Oliver Stone's box office dud. It, supposidly, has more action, less dialogue, but still the same ol' Alexander who loves war, but loves men even more. Sorry, but if you're looking for revisions to this part of the movie, I doubt you'll find it.

For the most part, I didn't think the movie was that bad, despite the one graphic sex scene with Rosario Dawson. The rest of the movie was watchable. Angelina Jolie was convincing as Alexander's mom, Olympia (well, in character anyway, not so much in looks). She exuded a presence of power and could easily show why Alexander had a weird sort of Oedipal complex with her. Val Kilmer was convincing as the Dad, even though I still see him as the same young guy who was in Batman Begins and Tombstone, but the beard and the bad eye tend to cover it well. (Speaking of which, a lot of men in the movie have missing eyes. I'm not sure if Oliver Stone meant to have his characters have missing eyes or if it's symbolic. Not too sure.)

As for Colin Farrell, I can see he tried his best trying to characterize Alexander. He did what he could with the character, and could sure out perform me as Alexander if I ever had to act. However, he exude the presence of a leader to me. He seemed more like an actor trying to be Alexander. Rosario Dawson too. I liked her in Men in Black, but in Alexander, she seemed to be faking her accent. In reality, I think her character could have assassinated Alexander and took over the army herself, but that's just my personal opinion.

Despite some historical inaccuracies (Alexander would have not fought in a forest in India, he would have found a wide-open plain in the area to fight with the Indian army. In addition, I believe there was no record that Alexander had a son), Alexander is a watchable movie. I liked the action sequences. That kept my attention for the most part. If you don't mind the dialogue and skewed interpretation of historical events, you'll actually enjoy this movie. I give the "revised" version of Alexander a 3 out of 5 stars.


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