An honest look at today's latest blockbusters, DVD rentals, and TV shows from two ordinary Janes

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Middle-aged hotties

Well, they would be considered middle-age outside of Hollywood, but in Hollywood they smokin' this summer. They look great, btw! LOL, I am going to be there in a few years too.

Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man

Will Smith (this summer in Hancock)

Colin Firth (this summer in Mamma Mia) - this one is for Juvy

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I reviewed it! 10,000 B.C.

I actually experienced a bit of deja vu when I went the movie theater last night. It wasn't until my good friend Becky noted that we had just watched 10,000 B.C. the week before. That would explain everything. I was trying to erase that experience from my mind.

A little bit of catch up on what I'm watching:


The Office: Season 1 (UK), and the extra DVD (2 DVDs)

Gone Baby Gone

American Gangster (which I will watch with a friend this week)


Dexter, Season 1 (off a co-worker)

So, that brings me to review the last two movies I watched, 10,000 B.C.(featuring a bunch of people I don't know about), and Shutter (starring Joshua Jackson, but also featuring David Denman, Roy from the US version of The Office). I'll review B.C. now, and Shutter, later.

10,000 B.C.

Oh my God.

Srsly. I took God's name in vain for this crapfest. It's been a week, and I think I about cleared that experience out of my system. I'm not sure if it was my complete and total lack of sleep (I was up about 24+ hours prior, I didn't plan that, I swear) that may have made me be extra-critical of the movie, so I put off this review for a week, only to realize that I had indeed watched the worst movie I had ever watched in a long, long time.

Anyway, the basic synopsis is about this young mammoth hunter D'Leh, and his love, Evolet. She came over as a young child when her village was destroyed by foreign marauders. The young D'Leh sees her and cute little butterflies fly about. When they get older, D'Leh struggles with parental shame issues and kills a big mammoth. Eventually their village gets invaded by the same guys that destroyed Evolet's village all those years ago. D'Leh vows to get her back.

Now here's the thing. There's the struggle, right? Man loses girl, man makes promise to get girl back. In my, albeit flawed, logic, doesn't that take the whole movie? Nah, the guy catches up to her in like 20 minutes...and then loses her again. I had dismissed the crappy teenage acting earlier in the movie, but this was really piling it on.

So, yeah. The guy is traveling all this way to save his girl and the village. He and his friends encounter other tribes, and discover that the enemy is pretty massive and has massive mammoths, and massive boats ("They float on water!" Oh noes!)...and massive pyramids. That was cool stuff right there.

That was the positive thing: The visual effects and cinematography. That, and the Dark Knight (Batman) trailer that aired earlier, were 2 positive things to be gleaned from this movie. The movie was pretty. The animals (saber-toothed tiger, mammoths, human eating birds) were pretty impressive....although the human eating birds...I wish they were something like raptorish. BIRDS? They should've kept them hidden, I started laughing when they revealed the grass monsters to be birds. Thanksgiving would have lasted ages then, haha.

Anyway. I won't bore you anymore. This movie is just...bad. Impressive as far as the effects go, but with the acting and dialogue--it was painful. Roland Emmerich (the director) should have focused much more on fights and more animals going wild. When the slaves started revolting and the mammoths stampeded I was thinking, "This is finally getting good!" Then it stalled even more. Nice little 300 ripoff there, though.

This is probably going on record as the worst rating I can remember giving. I would've walked out, but I was with a friend. And again, it was pretty. HoweverI wouldn't recommend this EVER. It wasn't worth half the $6.75 matinee fee I paid. I wouldn't buy this when it comes out on DVD or take it as a freebie, if only to use as a coaster. It's just that bad.


3/10 (and that's being nice)

Monday, March 17, 2008

10,000 BC

Don't-cha you wish your caveman was HOT like me!

Ah, well, it is late at night and I'm not sure if I can crank out a good review or not, but here it goes....

10,000 BC is a decent action movie. If you take it for what it is, then you'll enjoy it. It has romance (cheesy, but oh well), action, and nice cinematography.

In a nutshell, it's about a caveman whose girlfriend gets kidnapped along with other fellow tribe members by a large empire civilization across the other side of pangea. The caveman (forgot his name) forms an army with other neighboring tribes, whose people are kidnapped as well by the large empire civilization's people, and go to rescue his girlfriend. Along the way, they encounter some digital 3-D prehistoric creatures, other warriors, and really bad dialogue (oops, did I say that). I meant "personal struggles."

I won't reveal the ending, but you probably know what it is already. It's that obvious. My only other complaint is that they should have had more prehistoric animals in the movie. They only have about 3 types that they encounter, mammoths, some giant bird thing, and a sabertooth tiger. They really needed to throw in some more animals. Oh, and some more fight scenes. There were too little of those.

Other than that, I liked it. It's decent. It's not "Gone with the Wind," but a good popcorn movie. Enjoy!

Monday, February 18, 2008

LOST: The Catchup.

Well, I've taken on quite an endeavor. I'm in the midst of catching up on the hit tv show LOST. You know, the one where a plane crashes on and island? There's a computer and pressing some button sequence saves the world?

There's also that little side bit that it's filmed entirely in Hawaii, but you know, whatever. :D

My older brother bought season one when that set came out like, 2-3 years ago, to see what the buzz was about. Dude. We put it in, and it was over. Of course, my job kind of makes it hard to keep up, so I fell behind. 2 seasons behind. Luckily, my brother had bought season 2 a long long time ago as well. Until recently, it just sat in my room. But I picked it up again upon hearing that Season 3's finale was "awesome."

So, here I am catching up.

It took me about a week or so to watch season 2. Just a DVD a day. Then now, I'm onto Netflix. I've just watched the first two DVDs of Season 3, but I have to wait on the 3rd DVD, b/c I'm quite sure I haven't received it.

The show is still incredible. I knew certain people would die, (Ana, Eko--quite incredible, that was) and I just bawled over Libby. Seriously bawled.

I heard about Charlie on accident when I flipped through a TV guide, but the 2nd DVD revealed that too me again, but he hasn't kicked the bucket yet, so I'll save my tears for then, I suppose.

All in all, I'm enjoying myself. I'm on a little break from the LOST marathon, so I think I will finally get to watching "Heima" by Sigur Ros and "Lord Don't Slow Me Down" by Oasis. Both are tour DVDs.

As far as Netflix goes, I have more tv DVD sets. After LOST, it will be Flight of the Conchords (2 DVDs), then Homestarrunner DVDs (I might take those off, as I could just watch them online as well), then a LOT of The Office. First, it'll be US Season 3 (the aftermath of the Jim/Pam kiss), then the UK Season 1 and 2.

It will be a little while until I get a proper movie in, but according to my Netflix queue, that will be 'Empire Records,' 'The 40-year-Old Virgin,' 'The Motorcycle Diaries,' and 'Amelie.'

Anyway, that will be it for now. :)

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Been on a bit of a movie roll...

I love Netflix. I keep adding movies to my queue. I think it maybe up to 200+ DVDs now.

I've lost one Fawlty Towers disc. I'm trying to find it. I used to be on the 3-a-month (Unlimited) Plan for $16.99, but I upgraded to the $23.99 4-a-month plan.

I've seen:

1. Fawlty Towers - a John Cleese comedy series.
2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (i enjoyed it, quite a bit! kind of clears the mind, and gives you something to think about. even though, i cannot get with idea that i came from a monkey)
3. Better Than Sex (Starring David Wenham (yay) and Susie Porter--Movie's title makes it sounds sleazy, but it's not. It's about a one night stand that goes farther than that. focuses more on the relationship.)
4. Garden State (lovely, lovely movie. lives up to the hype...for me, anyway)

Watched other movies I found around the house:

1. Pi
2. 300 (THIS...IS...SPARTA!!!...Loved it)
3. Requiem For A Dream
4. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
5. Talladega Nights

I know it's been AGES since we've updated this blog. I've been Netflixing like mad, so I don't think I'll be short of movies to talk about. I've mailed back 2001: A Space Odyssey and Better Than Sex back...will be getting the documentary Super Size Me and the classic flick Citizen Kane next.

(I still have a missing DVD of Fawlty Towers to find, and I still have Garden State)

If I find FT, and return Garden State, I will get Shaun of the Dead and Y Tu Mama Tambien. That's what's next in the queue. That's all subject to change, obviously.

Till next time (hopefully sooner than a couple of months!), Juvs.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hollywood Divorces

Hmm... Hollywood divorces seem to the be the name of the game this year. First, it was Ryan Phillipe and Reese Witherspoon, and now Britney and Kevin. Who's next on the chopping block? Hmm....

I really hope these two last, but the way Hollywood is going these days, I'm not too sure.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Movies this Summer

What I Have Watched Already

Mission Impossible 3 - Yes, I did end up seeing it. If you forget that Mr. Cruise is a complete nutcase, then the movie actually works.

X-Men 3 - Awesome movie! See it!

What I Am Planning to See

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Captain Jack and Will Turner, oh yeah!

Superman Returns - What more can I say.

What I Might See

Nacho Libre - Not sure about this one yet

So, if you add that up, then I'll be "donating" $50 of my money to entertainment industry. How sad.