An honest look at today's latest blockbusters, DVD rentals, and TV shows from two ordinary Janes

Monday, March 17, 2008

10,000 BC

Don't-cha you wish your caveman was HOT like me!

Ah, well, it is late at night and I'm not sure if I can crank out a good review or not, but here it goes....

10,000 BC is a decent action movie. If you take it for what it is, then you'll enjoy it. It has romance (cheesy, but oh well), action, and nice cinematography.

In a nutshell, it's about a caveman whose girlfriend gets kidnapped along with other fellow tribe members by a large empire civilization across the other side of pangea. The caveman (forgot his name) forms an army with other neighboring tribes, whose people are kidnapped as well by the large empire civilization's people, and go to rescue his girlfriend. Along the way, they encounter some digital 3-D prehistoric creatures, other warriors, and really bad dialogue (oops, did I say that). I meant "personal struggles."

I won't reveal the ending, but you probably know what it is already. It's that obvious. My only other complaint is that they should have had more prehistoric animals in the movie. They only have about 3 types that they encounter, mammoths, some giant bird thing, and a sabertooth tiger. They really needed to throw in some more animals. Oh, and some more fight scenes. There were too little of those.

Other than that, I liked it. It's decent. It's not "Gone with the Wind," but a good popcorn movie. Enjoy!


Blogger Juvs said...

Nice, Becks! You were much nicer, hehe.

6:15 AM


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