An honest look at today's latest blockbusters, DVD rentals, and TV shows from two ordinary Janes

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

"I'm Batman! No wait; I mean ... Darth .. Vader!"

Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith, by far the best movie out of the prequels. Ties everything together nicely, answers many of our unanswered questions about the original Star Wars, and the CG is nicely done. Few quirks that made the movie less than it could have been.

1. The "Nooooooooooooo" scream Darth Vader yells at the end. Very non-Darth Vaderish. It doesn't match his character from the last 3 Star Wars, but then again the next three movies pick up around 18-20 years later, so his character could have changed a bit.

2. Everyone's acting in this movie was a little stale. I wanted to see more emotion (except for Ewan McGregor, he did a nice job).

3. General Grevious was defeated too easily. If you ever watched the "Star Wars: Clone Wars" series on Cartoon Network, you would have seen a much more sophisticated, stronger alien/robot hybrid of him that was very hard to kill. In the movie, he died too soon, and was too easily defeated by Obi-Wan. I mean, come on, two shots to the heart is all it took? Grevious should have been wearing more body armor in that area.

Other than that, I enjoyed DVD immensely. Despite "Sith's" pitfalls, I give it a 5 out of 5 stars!


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