An honest look at today's latest blockbusters, DVD rentals, and TV shows from two ordinary Janes

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Movies this Summer

What I Have Watched Already

Mission Impossible 3 - Yes, I did end up seeing it. If you forget that Mr. Cruise is a complete nutcase, then the movie actually works.

X-Men 3 - Awesome movie! See it!

What I Am Planning to See

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - Captain Jack and Will Turner, oh yeah!

Superman Returns - What more can I say.

What I Might See

Nacho Libre - Not sure about this one yet

So, if you add that up, then I'll be "donating" $50 of my money to entertainment industry. How sad.


Blogger Argrow Images said...

Hey, thanks for so nice review.
Now I know what to see :o)

9:16 AM

Blogger Juvs said...

ooh nacho libre is worth seeing. :)

12:56 AM


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